LENKRAD - The modern PHP core


Routing of endpoints can be handled by attribute or declaration. This page will explain both.

The Route class

Like most core-classes, Route is used statically while maintaining a single instance of itself. It's responsible for registering routes.

Main methods



Registers a GET request


Registers a POST request


Registers a PUT request


Registers a PATCH request


Registers a DELETE request


Registers other/custom requests

With the exception of Route::request, these methods all take the same arguments. LENKRAD intends to work with your IDE and tries to reduce string usage by the user. For these methods, this means that classnames are provided to a route. A class must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Implements Neoan\Routing\Interfaces\Routable
  • Has __invoke method
  • Returns a serializable result, a Model, a Collection or a DataNormalization instance

Example or a routable class

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Interfaces\Routable;

            class Controller implements Routable
                public function __invoke(): array
                    return ['test' => 'message'];

Example of a route using Controller.php

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Route;

            Route::get('/test', Controller::class);

Middleware Chaining

A route definition can chain routable classes as needed:

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Route;

            Route::get('/test', Auth::class, ReadUserFile::class, Controller::class);

This will execute one class after another. For a better understanding on how to utilize this feature, please refer to the Middleware chapter of this documentation

Route parameter

In both API & SSR routes, variable parameters are a common necessity. Like many other frameworks in various languages, LENKRAD solves this by markup:

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Route;

            // Route will respond to /test/{anything}
            Route::get('/test/:name', Controller::class);

            // Route will respond to /test and /test/{anything}
            Route::get('/test/:name*', Controller::class);

            // Multiple parameters are possible
            Route::get('/test/:name/:id*', Controller::class);

Variable usage

Routes using parameters provide their content to Request. To indicate a part of the route as parameter, prefix it with : (colon). To indicate a part of the route is an optional parameter, additionally append it with * (asterisks)

Careful when chaining parameters. It's a common trap to pollute namespaces.

Direct Injection

In very simple projects or routes, the necessity for logic might be overkill. You can therefore directly pass values to the response instead of using a class.

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Route;
            use Neoan\Request\Request;

Note that without additional changes to defaults, this only works for the standard JSON response.

Custom response handling

We speak of an either/or when talking about responses. However, in reality you might have different response requirements for a particular route. This is why it's possible to overwrite the default behavior per route.

            namespace App;

            use Neoan\Routing\Route;
            use Neoan\Response\Response;

            // using the default response handler, but overwriting its current default handling
            Route::get('/test', Controller::class)

            // using your own response handler and its method "answer"
            Route::get('/test', Controller::class)
Response handling is further explained in Response

Attribute Routing

Ever since Ruby on Rails exploded onto the world, annotational routing took the developer's interest. In LENKRAD, you can achieve this with attributes on the class-level.


In order to make use of this convenient way of defining routes, add the following lines to your index.php in your public folder:

            $app = new NeoanApp( $setup, $cliPath);

            // enable attribute routing
            $namespaceToExploreRecursively = 'App';

            $app->invoke(new Neoan\Routing\AttributeRouting($namespaceToExploreRecursively));





Resolves html routes

#[Web('/test', 'test.html')]


Resolves API-GET routes



Resolves API-GET routes

#[Post('/api/test', AuthGuard::class)]


Resolves API-PUT routes

#[Put('/api/test', AuthGuard::class)]

Generally, the behavior is identical to declaring routes manually.

            namespace App;

            // Don't forget the use-statement!
            use Neoan\Routing\Attributes\Get;

            use Neoan\Routing\Interfaces\Routable;

            class Controller implements Routable
                public function __invoke(): array
                    return ['test' => 'message'];


Before you move on

Many references on this page assume default settings. Your project might differ in behavior, paths etc.