LENKRAD - The modern PHP core

Request Guards

Incoming requests often require a few checks in order to evaluate their integrity. These checks include

  • Is the payload/the query malformed?
  • Does the payload correlate to the right types?
  • Does the payload need to be sanitized?

The Concept

A request guard captures the request and is in its easiest form similar to a model declaration. By defining properties we decide which properties are optional or required, which properties should be cast into a type, and what default values should be considered. Without further configuration, a request guard ends a request with an error message before executing your controller.

        class MyRequest extends \Neoan\Request\RequestGuard
            // the request REQUIRES the property "email"
            public string $email;

            // the request REQUIRES the property "name"
            public string $name;

            // the request CAN have the property "age",
            // which will be cast to integer
            public ?int $age;

            // the request's value of "termsAccepted"
            // is cast to boolean
            public bool $termsAccepted;

            // the request's value of "gender" is
            // cast to the custom enum "GenderEnum"
            public ?GenderEnum $gender;

If the request does not contain all required properties, the request will be blocked. In order to use a request guard for a particular endpoint, inject the guard in the controller.

        class MyEndpoint implements Routable
            // Inject "MyRequest" as $request
            public function __invoke(MyRequest $request): array
                // let's assume we want to create a new person (model)
                $person = new Person();
                $person->email = $request->email;
                    $person->gender = $request->gender;
                * or "lazy": (new Person((array) $request))->store();

Error behavior

If a request is not valid, a 400 HTTP response will be sent along with a reason (e.g. "missing property `x`", etc.). However, you might want to turn that behavior off if necessary (e.g. for custom error handling).

        class MyRequest extends \Neoan\Request\RequestGuard
            // if throwOnError is set to false, the default behavior of blocking the request is overridden
            const throwOnError = false;

            public string $email;

            public string $name;

            public ?int $age;

            public bool $termsAccepted;

            public ?GenderEnum $gender;

Request Types

By default, the request guard will accept requests of the following types:

  • 'query', Query parameters
  • 'parameter', as defined as a route-part
  • 'post', payload submitted via POST, PUT, PATCH
  • 'file', binary file uploads

You can limit the considered request types by the constant "requestTypes".

        class MyRequest extends \Neoan\Request\RequestGuard
            // only consider "query" and "parameter"
            const requestTypes = ['query', 'parameter'];

            public string $email;

            public string $name;

            public ?int $age;

            public bool $termsAccepted;

            public ?GenderEnum $gender;

Before you move on

Many references on this page assume default settings. Your project might differ in behavior, paths etc.